Know Where Your Utilities Are
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It is important to know where your utilities are. Digging up an unknown utility can cost tens of thousands of dollars to repair. Providing contractors accurate maps for project estimates avoids cost overruns and accurate locations of utilities can help airport maintenance crews manage time and resources. Developing base utility data is typically done in an Electronic Airport Layout Plan (eALP). Airports also have as-built drawings or utility company records to show where utilities are. We can help get your utilities mapped and then you can use our service to keep your utilities up to date. Do you have a staff member who you say "I would hate for something to happen to him, he knows where all the valves are!"? Our solution allows for editing the utility data so key personnel who have that knowledge can transfer it to the GIS system. Since it is an active system, it doesn't become a burden to your staff; simply update as time allows.
Our solutions work to help you manage your utilities and provide efficient knowledge transfer!